Are you confused, frustrated or even just bored by Data Protection?
We can take those pains away.
Data Protection, Information Security and GDPR are generally not considered to be the most popular or riveting topics for a business to grapple with, but regardless, they are some of the most essential in the modern, data-driven world. Meeting your legal requirements with regards to GDPR is not only a fundamental part of doing business in the 21st century, but it also gives your clients, your employees and yourself peace of mind to know that sensitive information is always being handled with care.
Our mission at Data Protection Solutions is to make the whole issue of data security not only a little less daunting and more manageable for your business and your staff, but also to make it a little less dry and inaccessible. This is thanks to our personal, convivial yet professional (and, dare I say, entertaining!) approach to consultation. We operate in partnership with you to develop you data security strategies in realistic and effective ways, and help you to implement them.
I'm Stella Jacobs, I'm known as the "GDPR Nanny McPhee" - you might not want me or have the time or knowledge for your GDPR, which is when you'll need me!