Sometimes it's easier to work with professionals who have the time to implement a specialism into your business such as H&S, accountancy or as in this case GDPR. Or sometimes it’s easier for a company to do it themselves. Both are an option and the decision will depend on knowledge, time and budget. If you don’t have the knowledge or the time but have some budget then engage with our consultancy and let us take the pain away and leave you to work in and on your business.

GDPR Implementation
We will work with you all the way, if needed.
We will assist in helping you with employee understanding by supporting training and a culture shift, providing policy & procedure and supporting you put data protection into all that you do.

Project and Ad-Hoc Advice & Support
Is there just one bit of GDPR you don’t really understand?
Perhaps there is a particular project you’re working on, where GDPR has crept in and you're confused? Do you need to review a third party Data Protection Agreement or fill out a DPIA? One of our consultants will very happily support you.

Crisis Response & Reputation Management
So the worst has happened! You’ve had a data breach or a hacking attempt or even a ransom ware attack, and it’s got into the media.
We are affiliated with a company who works in corporate crisis media and dealt with controversial situations where the media have been ravenous for news. They have held press conferences and written holding statements. They have guided the board on what to say and what not to say. They have worked with companies once the crisis has hit but also coach the business leaders in preparation. This is a useful additional to your arsenal!

Named DPO
Does your organisation have someone with overall responsibility for data protection?
This person cannot have a conflict of interest and must remain impartial to any decisions around GDPR compliance. In some cases we are able to represent your organisation.